
Progress and pleasure for all


Registration open from 01/15/24

Easter camps Joto Tennis 24

From the game of tennis to mastering the match

The camp takes place over 4 days,

from April 2 to 5, 2024.

Competition (from 7 years old) / Progress (from 7 years old) / Mini-tennis (from 5 years old)

The match and the spirit of the match

Registration form

Summer camp Kids’Cup green balls

Followed by an official Kids Cup U10 & U12 green ball tournament

The camp takes place over 4 days

from July 1 to 4, 2024, followed by the tournament from July 5 to 7, 2024.

Preparing for the Kids Cup green balls tournament

Be able to play a match from A to Z

Registration form

Summer camp 5 rackets

Play Tennis and discover Padel, Pickleball, Ping-pong, Badminton.

The camps take place over 5 days,

from July 8 to 12, from July 29 to August 2 and from August 12 to 16, 2024.

Progress (from 7 to 16 years old) / Mini-tennis. (From 5 years old)

Outing to Forestland

Registration form

Registrations are (also) available online! ☝️


Registration open from 01/15/24

Easter camps Adult 3F

3 F is 3 Formulas

The camp takes place over 3 days,

from Tuesday April 2 to Thursday April 4, 2024.

Discover tennis cardio

All levels.

Registration form

Ascension/Pentecost Camps Adult 3F

3 F is 3 Formulas

The camps take place over 3 days,

from Thursday May 9 to Saturday May 11 and from Saturday May 18 to 20, 2024.

Discover tennis cardio

Tennis or Tennis-Padel or Padel
(Included 1 hour of cardio tennis)

All levels.

Registration form

Summer camp Adult 3F

3 F is 3 Formulas

The camps take place over 3 days,

from July 1 to 5, 8 to 12 and from August 5 to 9, 12 to 16, 2024.

Discover tennis cardio

All levels.

Registration form

For more information on our Summer Camps? click here

Bonjour tennis lovers and welcome to a new year of fun and progress on the courts!

What’s new at Jonas Svensson Summer Camps 2022

This year JoTo is offering one-day ‘Progress Camps’ in the same way as ‘Competition Camps?  Team sport and technique in the morning, followed by ’pulse’ matches in the afternoon to discover the game of tennis.

The players of the Competition Camps automatically participate in an official tournament (Swiss Tennis) every morning and the afternoon is dedicated to improving all aspects of performance.

You will benefit from coaching followed by Sophrology for your matches.  In addition to tennis and fitness training, you will practice refereeing and ball collection.  You will also benefit from a postural assessment by an Osteopath, to detect any possible imbalances which might hinder your progress and would also help prevent injury.

For 3 weeks, from 4-8 July, 11-15 July and 8-12 August, we invite you to participate in a more complete camp than ever.

Coaching is provided by 11 professionals from the JoTo Team.  The provision and use of clay courts at the TC Mies for these camps give us the best possible facilities and conditions.  The Everness Hotel (formerly Best Western) is next to the Club, where meals and accommodation can be provided if necessary.

We look forward to welcoming you to this new and exciting adventure.

Jonas Svensson and the whole JoTo Tennis Team 



A camp that presents the game of tennis

The camp revolves around  matches in the form of a tournament or pulse.  Progress through the match by playing and having fun ‘the match is a game’.  It is presented in different forms depending on the level of the player.

The child is immersed in a motivation.  The role of the coach then takes on its full meaning, supporting, guiding and training the player to meet a need.

Progress Camp or Competition on one day

From 5 years old, enjoy exceptional professional coaching over half a day.  From 7 years old, opt for the day in Progress or Competition Camp.

In  Progress mode, make progress by discovering the atmosphere of matches.  In Competition mode, perfect your tennis by diving into  the world of tennis.

You will be able to participate in an official tournament every morning and the afternoon will be dedicated to mental,  physical and technical progress.

Camp ‘Progress’ gives the desire to play!

DAY – INFO AND PROGRAM  Age 7 to 18 years 

LEVEL – all levels

SESSIONS    A:   July 4-8   B:  July 11-15   C:  August 8-12

Opening hours – 8.30am to 4.30pm

Rates – xxxxxxx 


8.30 to 10.30 – Tennis

10.30 to 11.30 Team Sport

12.00 to 13.30 Lunch break

13.30 to 16.00 Match in the form of ‘pulse’

16.00 to 16.30 Snack

HALF DAY INFO AND PROGRAM – Age 5 to 18 years

LEVEL – all levels

SESSIONS –   A:  July 4-8    B:  July 11-15   C:  August 8-12

Opening hours – 10.30 to 13.30

Rates – xxxxx


10.30 to 11.30  Team Sports

11.30 to 13.30  Tennis

Camp ‘Competition’ How to get to the top?


8.30 to 12.00  Matches

12.00 to 12.30 Lunch

12.45 to 13.15  Sophrology

13.30 to 15.30 Tennis Training

15.30 to 16.30 Fitness (30 mins physical conditioning and 30 mins team sport/cooldown)

PRATICAL INFORMATION – Age 10 to 18 years

LEVEL from R9 to R1

SESSIONS   A:  4-8 July   B:  July 11-15   C:  8-12 August

Opening hours – 8.30 to 4.30

Rates xxxx